Here are a few articles - from the Harvard Business Review, Global Wellness Institute, and Psychology Today - that might help improve your sense of focus and control.
That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief
Harvard Business Review
Some of the HBR edit staff met virtually the other day — a screen full of faces in a scene becoming more common everywhere. We talked about the content we’re commissioning in this harrowing time of a pandemic and how we can help people.
Leading In This Unprecedented Moment: 8 Wellbeing Leadership Strategies For Responding To Covid-19
Global Wellness Institute
The New York Times emphasizes what we’re all feeling: “No one has a playbook for this.” COVID-19 has already affected people you know, communities and countries you care deeply about, and every part of the ecosystem that contributes to your business. In some ways, this infectious disease seems enigmatic—no one knows exactly how it will play out, and there is no single solution for dealing with it. All that said, you are not powerless.
Self Care and COVID-19: Getting Ready for the Marathon
Psychology Today
You’ve likely heard this phrase before as you’ve begun any number of ambitious tasks: “This is a marathon, not a sprint.” Rarely has this sentiment been more fitting than it is in light of the worldwide effort to stop COVID-19.