Everything you need to reach the best job candidates
Performance Product Line
Intelligent job distribution
We've taken the guesswork out of deciding which online job sites to use. Our cost-per-click job platform optimizes ad placement, so the right people see your job at the right time.
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Niche Networks
Niche Networks
Increase your visibility to the best candidates with our specialty job board networks
Our networks allow employers to target job seekers on top third-party sites that cater to niche audiences. Examples include niche sites such as AfterCollege, Latpro, HireAPatriot.com.
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Premium Recruitment Products
Virtual Career Fair
Connect with local job seekers in a virtual online environment
Attract and engage candidates in a no-contact job fair, including one-on-one chat, and opportunities to amplify your brand.
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Premium Recruitment Products
Facebook Passive Audience Campaign
Broaden the visibility of your employer brand by leveraging your open positions
Build and strengthen your employer brand with a Facebook campaign that builds awareness among a target group of Facebook members.
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Candidate Search
Broaden your search to include both passive and active candidates
When you need to expand your range of potential job candidates, use Candidate Search to locate both online profiles as well as resumes.
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Matched Candidates
Your Candidate Matching Solution
Access candidates whose experience and skill set are a good fit with your job requirements.
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Media Company Products
Media Company Products
Job Board Software
Regain your local job market with our white label job board
Create a job board for your local employers. Jobs are intelligently matched to candidates on top brand national job sites and best-in-class niche sites.
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What media partners are saying about Recruitology

Jobcase for partners is always looking for ways to help us grow.

Recruitment advertising specialist, Belleville News Democrat